Finished piece
What I learned
I learned a lot about the basics of Ableton and the instruments in the software.  The way some instruments are only one sounds that can be played through the keyboard 
Creative Research
The first thing I did was research what genre my favourite music was in and what the characteristics of these 
I am a lover of all music, so it is very hard to understand the difference in genres. There are the obvious ones of course like country and heavy metal but after the obvious ones, I get pretty confused.
To combat this I took some of my favourite songs and I googled what genres they are. I then googled the characteristics of these genres and tried to identify them in my favourite songs
Here are some of my favourite songs and their genres:
- SCOOP, Lil Nas X - Hip-Hop/Rap
ZITTI E BUONI, Maneskin - Hard Rock/Indie/Alternative
- You, James Arthur - R&B/Soul
Through my research, I noticed that at this moment in my life I am really enjoying rock and alternative music. I found that rock and roll originate from the R&B and jazz scene, which for me makes sense as they are also genres that come up in the music I listen to often. There are also four main characteristics: surging and propulsive energy, Propulsive rhythms, Electric instruments and drum kits, and a wide array of lyrical subjects.
When doing research into classical music when research Chamber pop, I found this was a more umbrella term than I realised; so I started simple. I found the definition. The Oxford Dictionary defines 'classical music as “music written in a Western musical tradition, usually using an established form
In conclusion, I have decided to do my soundscape as a mixture of Rock and classical music (similar to chamber pop). I like the contrast between the two genres but believe they can work very well together. Taking traditional rules and breaking them to send a specific message like the lyrics in Rock
Editing Process
I did this
I did that
This is the first draft of the song
I liked 
i didn't like
I asked for help from

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