During the fall break, we visited the Dutch Design Week 2022 in Eindhoven. I found it very interesting as so many different concepts and presentations of themes. I will not lie. I did not enjoy this trip. I felt as though the completed work was too far out for the themes at times and the presentation wasn't great. However, I do feel that the research and themes/concepts for the pieces were really thought provoking and inspiring to create new ideas 
My Favourite Installation
"The World That Is and The World That Could Be" by Clémence Fauce​​​​​​​
I found this installation to be my favourite because of the use of staging, interaction, use of media, and the theme the artist went with.
The way the installation was set up to appear like a workshop (large cutting tables, drying racks, etc) really brought a sense of immersion to the piece.

The t-shirt on the table allowed you to use fabric markers and stamps to create your own mark on the fash fashion industry. This small element of interaction and choice to interact really sold the points the artist was trying to make.

Use of Media:
The way the artist is using very thing she wants to try and reduce is so clever to me. The abundance of the same t-shirts with the labels attached with facts about fast fashion was really clever and helps get the information across in a way that fits the theme and staging.

I am someone who really strives for sustainability and tries to encourage others to do the same. It was huge reason I decided to study in the Netherlands; because of the huge sustainability drive here. Fast fashion is something I think is extremely overlooked when it comes to sustainability. I am a man who loved fashion and being well dressed but I do believe there are enough clothes in the world and any outfit can be made from them. People don't see or understand the effects fast fashion has on the environment as well as the well-being of many people in other countries. This very straightforward and educational installation allows for an easy understanding of the situation affecting us.

Below you can see other work that was presented at the Dutch Design Week

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