Finished Piece
What I Learned
Through this big challenge, I learned the importance of the phrase, "Too many cooks in the kitchen, spoil the broth," but also, "many hands make light work." When we had too many people working on the song we were getting nowhere, but when we came up with a system as a team we were able to make something that really represented us all
We started with how we wanted the song to work out. We decided we wanted to change the genre and the tempo halfway through the song. We wanted to do this after I came up with the idea that we should have three parts in the song where the first part is kind of calm but progressive like a Tuesday in Audio Visual Design. It then starts to build up. The second part would be a Wednesday which builds up and becomes more chaotic. The third and final part is where the chaos reaches its peak. The rhythm has changed however which is the same amount of chaos but in a different way. The beat then drops and the chaos drops into a calm mellow beat similar to after the mini expos on Thursdays. 

We then asked everyone who was in the class what day they felt suited their personality and we put those people into groups to work on each day. Before this though we started with a smaller group who came up with a general beat that all pieces could match and work well together. 
You can see to the right the plan we came up with as a class
This is when we started to hit some issues. People had very different ideas about beats and people were very adamant about what they felt was right and wrong. People who also didn't have music theory were accidentally putting sections into different tempos and time signatures. There were just too many people working on this song.

Eventually, we worked out a plan where a group of 6 people were doing the physical work while the other 10 in the class gave feedback and ideas from afar.

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