On a trip to Rotterdam, I took one weekend and visited the Maritime Museum. They had an exhibit called, "DealenMet Drugs" which was about the drugs industry and how it usually works. How the port tries to prevent drugs coming through the port and into the Netherlands. 

In this exhibition, they had infographics and artefacts from the past in relation to the drug industry, but what caught my attention the most was the immersive experience they offered. Through this experience, you went through many different areas/rooms that simulated a different experience/part of a story in a drug ring and those who are fighting to prevent them. My favourite room was either the port screening room or the intercom of a person's house. 

The reason these two were my favourite was that they gave me the most immersion while being very different. The screening room was far more interactive compared to the intercom room but the intercom room gave me a sense of immersion through set design and especially how you interacted with the intercom. I also like how both gave a sense of immersion in the sense that these sections were more accessible and relatable to the audience. It was a normal office where you work on a computer or the front door of your house. There are things we have done all the time\

I felt I learned a lot about immersion from this installation and took away a lot from it that I could use in the main mission. Below are videos from each room of the exhibit

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