We visited an Installation called, "Double Act" in the Utrecht Centraal Museum. The way the exhibition was explained is as follows on the website:
"How do artists of the past and present depict human emotion? In Double Act, video art and seventeenth-century paintings collide in an exhibition that explores what it means to be human."

Below are photos and videos taken during my visit

I really enjoyed the theme of this exhibit. Unfortunately, my health was not great during this so I couldn't experience it fully but what I did was very immersive and informative. The way the museum has blended the old with the new in such a way that it becomes cohesive is a beautiful balance that creates an amazing exhibition
My Favourite:
"The Crossing" - Bill Viola
What I really enjoyed most about this piece was its use of audio. I loved the way when you were on the side of the fire you could hear fire cracking. Likewise, when you were on the side of the water you could hear the water falling. You couldn't hear the other when looking at one side. Then, when you stood right between them you could hear both but not see anything on the screens. 

I felt the use of symbolism through audio was really incredible here. Life, Death, and what is in between. The use of audio clearly represented all these elements perfectly. The visuals also match really well with the theme of torture. THe man burning in fire, drowning in water. Both have their pains but also their beauties

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